Friday, September 9, 2011

Fraud in Selling Fur Trade Medals

There is an influx of fur trade items being offered on okay as authentic by sellers, alledgedly made byCanadian silversmiths Pierre Huguet Dit Latouror Robert Cruickshank in the late 1700s or early 1800s. They are toted as being hand made, etc.I purchased one, and had the tenacity to run it to ground. Here's the skinny: there is a man in Iowa who is producing these items from trade silver. The onlyauthentic part of the piece is the fact he does string them on old beads. Trademarks to look for items geing fromhis shop: the piece will be packaged in a Riker display case,lined with red felt. There will be an old parchment paper tag with oldstyleRoyal typewriter type face describing the item as being fur trade or Hudson's Bay. There will be a number to make it appear as though the item was once part of an auction or estate sale. These items are beautiful replicas of the originals,he sells them for$100 wholesale. I had my piece looked at by professionals inmuseums, whodeclared it was a reproduction. My only consolation is the fact I have the wonderful old beads. Please look carefully and bid accordingly.VERY FEW AUTHENTIC FUR TRADEMEDALLIONS OR CROSSES EVER MAKE IT TO okay.

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