Wednesday, July 28, 2010

When checking your bags, do cruise lines care if you pack kinky or sexual objects in your bags?

My girlfriend and I are going on our first cruise together(Royal Caribbean if that matters) and naturally... yea.... I know handcuffs and stuff like that should be ruled out but I worry about things like the scented/edible massage oils. I;m sure the airport would worry because of the liquid container thing so I don;t know if this would alarm them. Certainly though I don;t want a stranger going through that kind of stuff and especially not taking it or getting in trouble for any of it.We;ve got:-Dice-A few tiny bottles of massage oil-One bigger bottle of massage oil-Box of condoms-Body Spray paint can(not sure if they;d consider that flammable or w.e but I;m sure it cant look worse than a bottle of hairspray which is more flammable obviously)-I was going to bring tea lights but not real ones because they don;t want candles, it would be the battery ones but I;m not sure if they would allow that.Anyone have any experience with any of that stuff? Please no rude responses, I;m not looking for your judgements, I could care less. Just trying to get some information.|||That;s fcking disgusting. Get a hobby or something that doesn;t involve sex toys. Can you say, NASTY?|||If you put that stuff in a checked bag, there won;t be a problem at either the aiport or the cruise ship.They are looking for contraband material. On a cruise ship, that includes alcohol.

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