Wednesday, July 28, 2010

If life originated in Africa and/or the Middle East, how did the Indigenous Australians....?

how did they get to Australia? I mean, Australia is a little off the beaten path, and as primitive as the Aborigines; culture seems, it;s hard to believe they constructed durable boats and ships to get there.It;s fairly easy to see how every other group got to where they are/were, but these people are a mystery to me.*side note* I asked this in the Anthropology section, but was told: 1) that I was ignorant for asking this question and 2) that, clearly, the first people to colonize Australia were the British i was so amused that I thought I;d try my luck here|||The theory is that many years ago, all of the continents in the world were joined together. Gradually over many years, the continents began to drift apart from one another, causing a vast amount of islands between the separating continents. The aborigines in their nomadic tracks island hopped, until they reached a new continent.This site may shed more light on the subject for you…

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