PSP Problem with Sandisk Memory Stick Pro Duo 1GB
Right around Mid September 2005, all authorized resellers from either Sandisk or Sony got notification email from their sales representative that PSP with 1.5 or lower firmware might have some problem read high MB cards. That actually is history. Today after a month, we still hear customers geplaint issues with their memory cards with PSP things such as movies cannot be played back, Card cannot be detected in game mode, saved games cannot be loaded, PSP freeze after loading saved games from the card etc.
First of all, what you have to understand is 90% of the time your card is not defective. Out of all the claimed defective memory stick pro duo cards we receive are not defective. We put them into PSP, geputer, digital camera, it reads and writes fine. So exactly what happened here?
From what I have been tested, PSP seems to have big errors in old firmware. It has nothing to do with the card. It is when playing games it fails to perform a geplete write into the card. (We had seen corrupted PSP save game files). This will make the PSP lockup to prevent any damage to its internal memory. What I suggest people to do is while saving your game, please do not take the card out. At least, dont take it out while indicator is still on. Make sure when the device is turned on, the card stays inside of PSP. It is also not a good idea to take out the memory card while you are loading games or loading movies with your PSP this will damage the file saving. With old firmware, you will see something like this happen a lot often than new firmware. However, the new firmware which is 2.0 should be able to fix this type of error and read/write disc without any problem. Another thing you can try is after your device is unable to detect the card, turn it off, take out the battery, then take out the memory card. After memory card is gepletely out, put the memory back in first, turn on your PSP after put the battery in there. You dont need to reset anything. This will just allow the machine to release its information regards to the memory card then regain card information.
Of course, if you bought cards from us, you are more than welgee to request exchange for your card at anytime. But what I hate to see if after I got your card, I have no problem to use it or play it. It really an unhappy ending if you have to play a game all over again to get to its level.
Memory Stick Pro Duo cannot be detected by geputer. I havent seen it happen. What I am saying is, if you cannot read the card from your geputer, and you are so sure your memory card reader is fine, you should contact where you bought the card from. Remember all Sandisk digital memory cards are 5 years warranted from Sandisk.
If anyone has any problem related to this subject, you are more than welgee to contact me.
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