Monday, September 5, 2011

How to SPOT a FAKE Casio Riseman G-Shock

Hi, I am writing this guide to hopefully help all my fellow okayers safe from making a VERY BAD PURCHASE. This guide is for the Casio G-Shock Riseman GW-9200-1 or OFTEN here on okay Casio G-Shock Watch Riseman G-9200-1 or the G-9200-1DR.
First off, the Casio Riseman if it is BRAND NEW and REAL.....
*Will gee with a METAL TIN or BOX and instruction booklet.
* Will NOT have different color choices like rainbow colors or loud or unique colorsin the little bezel ring that is around the round information display graphwindow.
* Will NOT have a "G" in the little round information display graph window. The REAL one does not have this.
* The REAL one will have a cross hair in the information graph window with a small bar graph.
* Will NOT have the crazy looking "fake" looking black lines in the display background. That is how a FAKE Casio Risemans watchdisplay looks when they are trying to FAKE aSolar or light rechargeable Casio Riseman. The REAL one dont have this in the display background!The solar light intake is around the outer edges of the face and at the top and bottom.
* The REAL Casio Riseman has a WORKING and FUNCTIONAL Thermometer, Altimeter, and Barometer.
* Illuminator button will make the greenish blue glow in the display light up, on the FAKE, it is just a peice of metal with a "G" cut into it and is non-working.
* Will turn on back light if you have it set to do so when you turn your wrist to look at the watch, not on the Fake!
* The REAL one has a lot more functions than just the current time display, alarmset, 1 alarm, stop watch and back to the current time like the FAKE ones have.
* The RED Altimeter Button will work when pressed on a REAL Casio Riseman. On the FAKE, it is just a cheap red peice of plastic that does nothing.
*The sensor on the left has a actual purpose other than looks and has a very tine peice of measuring equipment in it. The FAKE has nothing!
* The REAL Riseman will NOT say "Full Auto EL Light" above ethe Casio name at the top of the watch display, it should have "Multi Band 6" above it!
* The REAL one will have "EARS" on the littleround display graph ring. The FAKE will be gepletly round.
* The color of the words on the outside of the bezel on thefake Riseman are LARGER and the color is brighter.
* On the REAL Riseman, the word "Riseman" that is at the bottom of the bezel above ALTI-BARO is RED.
* The REAL Riseman has 3 letters for the abreviation of the days of the week, the FAKE has only 2.
*The FAKE only shows the month and date, the real has the month, date, and year.
* The REAL one will have the words "battery" and a little arrow pointing at the level of power left on the battery and this is located on the left of the face or display right next to the time in the display and if the watch is functioning or has a strong read out and if it is real solar, you would see 1, 2, or 3 dark or black triangles colored in.
* Message window at the bottom of the display should not have red writing filling up the whole thing.
* The little peice that separates the time window from the day/date window on a REAL Riseman should have "Receiving Indicator" on it, as the FAKE DOES not!
* At the top of a FAKE one, where it says Casio and WR20BAR, the spacing from top to bottom of the words will be very very close together.
* The FAKE Risemans watch band will feel alot thinner than the original and have almost a "toy" like feel or a texture and feel and THICKNESS of a very CHEAP dime store watch.
* The buttons on each side of the FAKE ones stick out more than the real ones.
* At the top where it says Casio and just under the word Protection, On a FAKE there is a really good chance that all the writing could have a slight angle to it or not be printed on straight.
* On a REAL Riseman the 4 large Bezel screws will be a type of Phillips head screw and on the FAKE they will be a Flat head screw.
* On a FAKE Casio Riseman the back plate the writing that is engraved into the backplate should be shallow and somewhat alittle hard to read and when you see the very little numbers and letters they wil be very hard to read or see and the backplate will have a rougher or brushed look and not a crisp nice look to it.
*Most all FAKES will have a made up Module number and serial number on thebackplate.
On December 7, 2009 my wife purchased me a Casio Risemanfrom here on okay for $60.00 and free shipping. When it came in a few days latter, she just wrapped it up and put it under the Christmas Tree and on Christmas Day, I opened it up and it was packed in a cheap clear plastic bag with stick glue closing the opened end and that was put in a small bubble wrap rolled in a larger bubble wrap peice and right off the bat I new it was a fake/replica of the Casio Riseman. I did'nt have the heart to tell her about it right away so after we all had opened up our gifts, I made my way back to my PC and started reading up on the watches, the Fake ones and the Real ones. I emailed the seller and the more I thought about it, I went ahead and filled a geplaint with okay, Paypal, and I even went the extra step as to inform Casio and my local FBI field office internet cyber crimes division and my local police department of what had happened. By that evening, the seller had fully refunded my money for the watch. I went and looked at the listing page for it and it said that it wa a brand new watch with out box and tha there were a choice of 3 colors for the round graph display ring. It also sis not say anything about nothing working on the watch and in the photos they had up, you could look at the watch and see just about everything I have stated above about the watch that would make it a FAKE!
Now the SAME SELLER has in there listing that the watch does not have temperature, barometer, or altimeter functions and Casio HAS NEVER MADE A RISEMAN LIKE THAT!
The same seller has other FAKE Casio watches for sale also along with some FAKE clothing and apparel also.
I hope this guide to spotting a FAKE Casio Riseman has been a helpful tool for you all. If you have anymore QUESTIONS about the Casio Riseman that I have that is a FAKE that was purchased here on okay, feel free to contact me via okay messages " superbazooka " ---- -------------------------- ---Below on the left is a FAKE Casio Riseman------------Below on the right is a REAL Casio Riseman


lookhow its put together

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