During the period between 1900-1930, crochet was a popular pastime. For many women, it was more than just a hobby; it was an economical means to create linens, dainty laces for their lingerie, yokes for their nightgowns and more. Crochet Patternsclosely mirrored the lifestyles of the women during these years, both in fashion and in home furnishings. This was the time when America was transitioning between the Victorian Era and the Modern Era, and we see an evolution in crochet patterns as well. Prior to this time period, crochet patterns had been more elaborate and involved; they progressively grew simpler as women became enamored with modern conveniences and the promise of "quick and easy".
At the beginning of this time period, corsetswere still popular. A variety of patterns were available for crocheted corset covers. Paul Poiret'scouture dress designs of the 1920's, and the rise of the flapper, led to a decline in the popularity of the corset; as a result, fewer corset cover patterns were published in the 1920's and thereafter.Interesting lifestyle trends can be observed by studying crochet patterns; during the 1910's
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